Making Lemonade

On Saturday I had planned for us to go to this huge event downtown.  A local church was sponsoring a massive egg drop on the minor legue baseball field with some 50,000 eggs and prizes from candy to xboxes.  I didn't care about the prizes, but I just wanted Marco to go nuts trying to get as many eggs he could... with Mauricio's help, of course.  Unfortunately, you had to register... and when I went online a few days prior to register, it was already sold out.  But I didn't care... I figured, a church wouldn't turn people (possibly heathens) away... right?  WRONG!  We were turned away from the event!  When we got there and explained what happened, they said they were sorry but no registration, no entry.  Gotta wait for next year.  I was disappointed and I pouted.  But luckily, Marco isn't old enough to even KNOW we were going to an egg hunt, so he wasn't disappointed at all.

It was such a lovely day that we decided to make good use of it... egg hunt or no egg hunt.  So we walked down Main until we hit the ever scenic Falls Park.  There, we sought out a grassy field and let Marco run free for a few hours.  He was so happy!  There were other children there with bubbles, and they let him chase them right along with them.  Mau took him down to the river to see the water and the ducks and they climbed on the rocks together.  Jonas also had fun sitting with me and snuggling.  He was also practicing pulling up to a stand.  Every time he did it, I'd say, "my Champion!" and he'd giggle.

So instead of letting that little bump in the road keep us down, we made the most of the opportunity and possibly had a better time than if we had gone to the egg hunt.  Now that really is making lemonade out of lemons, don't ya think?


Stephanie Doyle said...

That's a bummer that they wouldn't let you in. Glad that you made it a great day though! :)

Heloisa said...

Dear Nicole!!
Ah! you do not know how I am moved with their beautiful stories! I read them and I'm there at the grass near of you, running along with Marco ... and even fighting with the person who would not let him enter to harvest their eggs for Easter!!
How I love you guys !!!!!! I miss you!