Birthday Play-Date

Yesterday I invited a few friends to the pool to play and celebrate Marco's 2nd birthday.  We had a really fun time swimming, wading in the baby pool and having yummy pizza and cupcakes.

In preparation for this play-date, Marco and I baked the cupcakes.  My intention was to make them to look like basketballs (because that's the current obsession) but I overestimated my creative abilities.  I really don't know why I always think I can be crafty... when I'm so not.  But I attempted anyway and they came out semi-cute.  The best part was letting Marco help crack eggs, stir the batter and of course, lick the spoon!

And here he is enjoying the finished product.  It looks like he's about to slip into a sugar coma.  Ha!

We're not done celebrating yet... we have more in store for my boy's big 2nd birthday!  Afterall, he's "stwoooo" now!


Heloisa said...

Hi Marco!
Feliz Aniversário!!!!
Esse Cup Cake estava delicioso hein?
Você é um garoto muito lindo e esperto!
Um beijo!