I Got A Job!

Don't worry, it's not a full time job.  My full time job will still be taking care of my monsters sweet angels.

Lately I've been feeling like I've been missing my outlet.  My musical outlet.  And my teachers outlet.  I love, love, love staying home with my boys, but I feel like I'm missing a part of me when I don't get to sing or teach.

I like to think of it like having many hats.  I have my mommy hat, my wife hat and my friends hat.  I have my MOPS hat and my Bible study hat.  And I have my musical hat.  In order for my life to feel well balanced, all my hats must be worn often.  By all means, my most used hat is my mommy hat... as it should be.  But, with that being the case, my musical hat has been gathering dust for months.  It's time to clean it up and show it off from time to time.

When I lived in Miami before, as a Senior in college, I got my first job.  I was teaching voice for a local music school, Miami Conservatory of Music.  The owner took a chance on me, having no experience whatsoever and not even having a degree in hand.  I was lucky!  I worked there for about 10 months before moving to Orlando and beginning my career.

Now that I have moved back to Miami, I contacted the owner and begged asked for my long-gone-job back!  With a degree in hand and a bunch of years experience under my belt, she was happy to have me.

I was so excited to see all the changes that have been made in my 6 year absence.  She moved from a small apartment sized space with only 4 rooms and a reception to a GORGEOUS space.  Actually it's 2 spaces... one of which is a recital hall.  It's ahhh-mazing.  It's what I've always dreamed would one day be MY studio.  It kicks every single studio that I've ever seen's BUTT!
It's located in the Mayfair center in Coconut Grove.  Just walk up those stairs and to the right of the fountain is the studio and to the left is the recital hall.
The view from the street
Entrance and reception
Recital Hall with seating for up to 150!
Aside from the space being absolutely dream worthy gorgeous, it's what's inside that's most important.  The students!  The school has over 400 students and can expand to over 600!  Holy Cow!  I love thinking about all those young minds absorbing a passion for music!

So we have decided that I'll start working on Saturdays teaching voice.  I'm also going to be offering a Musical Theatre class for ages 8-12 and possibly (if there's enough interest) an a capella chorus ensemble (think Glee) for ages 13-17.  I am PSYCHED!  

If you'd like to read more about the conservatory, please visit their website at: http://www.miamiconservatoryofmusic.com/


Stephanie Doyle said...

That is great news! Congrats! :)

jessica ♥ The Fevered Pen said...

Wow! Congrats!

Callie said...

Wow, the studio looks amazing! Congrats on the new job, can't wait to hear how you like it!