Remember last month when I posted about a 21 day Challenge? It was a post for ladies eyes only. Well, here's my recap.
Although I completed my 21 day challenge, I realized that the challenge is never really complete. Because it's not a challenge that's meant to last only three weeks. It's meant to become a life-time change... a way of life. And it's a pretty good way of life.
I started off really strong. My first 7 days were really thoroughly planned and recorded. But then week 2 landed along side Thanksgiving, so I missed a day here and there in trying to plan our holiday... but I didn't throw in the towel, I picked back up where I left off. By week 3, I figured out the gist of the challenge. You don't have to follow the challenge to the letter. So by week 3 I began to do things that were not stated in the book but that I knew would please my husband. I was thinking outside of the box and personalizing it.
What was most striking to me during the whole experiment was just how simple it was. Really, it took no time at all to be sure that my husband was extra blessed. Some days it was as simple as taking a few minutes to send him a flirty text. Or when I'm already out at the store, picking up his favorite drink as a little surprise. It didn't take much thought and really no time at all, but it blessed him and made him feel special.
Now, since this challenge is intended for MARRIED couples, it's not rated G, if ya know what I mean. But you know what I think made the biggest splash with my husband? And it's not what you think... it's not one of those X rated challenges. The thing he liked the most was when I made the bed. Yep, that's right. The day(s) I made the bed, he just went on and on about how nice it was and how he really appreciated that and bla bla bla. I was like, really!? Making the bed?! Not "being in the bed"?! Oooooookkkkk...
So all in all, I think it went well and continues to go well. I don't think of things to do EVERY day, but like I said, it's so simple that it's not a chore to do it every day. And, every day he didn't notice. In fact, there were many days he either didn't notice or didn't comment. But that's ok... it wasn't about receiving recognition.
I realized it was just as much for me as it was for him. While blessing him, I became blessed as well. My heart softened just a little bit more towards him. I was brought back to the reason I married him. I was reminded that regardless of the kids and the routine and the responsibilities, HE was the one I chose. And that nourishing our relationship is more important than all the other things.

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Love the challenge. I've been thinking on this lately too! We lose the spark if we forget how special the other person is and that we chose him and love him - he may already know but what can we do to remind him often that we still feel that way!
Im glad that you are taking the time to think of Mau. I know it's hard sometimes to pull yourself out of your daily routine and do something special for him. I do this for my hubby all the time. I get him special treats when I go to the market, send him texts that I would hope he appreciates, even the X rated stuff. The problem is, that I feel like I am always the one thinking about him and everyone else and I get no reciprocation. I know what you mean about not doing it to get something back. I do it gladly because I care and it makes me feel good. But I think I deserve a little pampering every now and then too. I deserve him to think of me when making the bed, doing the dishes and/or the laundry without me asking him to. And not doing it half assed... I mean really doing it from step one! I;m the only one really working right now and bringing any kind of money into the family. I am also the one to do everything for the kids and for him. On top of that, nothing rated X has happened within the past month! Why? Because "He's tired". So the moral of the story here is not to be an over achiever when it comes to doing special things for your husband all the time. They get too used to it and then expect it, and when it's not being done, they question you like if they are deserving when they don't do anything for you in return. Make sure he's giving his 50% as well.
Way to go. That is such a great challenge to give yourself and your hubby! :)
I love that you did this... And were honest about it.
I wanted to read this book after you mentioned it, and I think I need to check it out!
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